” Apnea Balear ” was founded on the island of Mallorca in 2008, by its current director Juan Amengual. This made us the first Freediving center established in the Balearic Islands, and one of the pioneers in Spain in specializing in freediving and its different areas.
Our professional philosophy and as a school, rises from the real passion for Freediving, for this sport and the love of marine nature, as well as the spirit of improvement and constant effort to maintain ourselves updated at the highest level. This way, we offer our students and members of the school, the best teaching and quality in the activities we perform.
The objective of our center is the introduction or progression in the world of freediving with learning courses, the realization of training at sea and in swimming pools for any level, the professional development of instructors, hiking and the sale of specialized material. All this in a family atmosphere and companionship.
The center is located in the port of Sóller (Mallorca), in the natural environment of the Sierra de Tramuntana, declared a world heritage by UNESCO as a natural landscape, being the most visited place in Mallorca by lovers of nature, marine and land, as well as traditional and gastronomic culture.
The coastal waters bordering the Sierra de Tramuntana, offer us waters of transparency, tranquility and warmth ideal for freediving, as well as the enjoyment of a spectacular landscape, assortment of beautiful caves and other natural peculiarities that we visit with our boat located just a few meters from the center.

We are waiting for you soon to share the indescribable experiences that Freediving offers us!
What activities do we offer?
- Discover and dive into the world of freediving by a basic course. (more info)
- Courses of advanced level, assimilating and putting into practice knowledge that allows an adequate progression as freediver. (more info)
- Take part in an effective and enjoyable continuous training plan in the pool, to develop technically, physically and mentally. (more info)
- Execute a training plan at the sea, increase our dive levels with safety and pleasure. (more info)
- Professional training for Freediving Instructors at all levels. (more info)
- Organization of courses in any Spanish province.
- Enjoy our countless beautiful places, as well as marine reserves, through guided diving excursions in freediving or snorkeling in the most interesting areas of the Balearic coast. (more info)
- Sale, rental and advice on specific material for freediving. (more info)
- Processing of licenses and insurance for activities executed in freediving. (more info)